Wednesday 4 July 2012

On the blog

Let's get this show on the road!!  As a struggling/starving/laughing/drawing young animatorslashillustrator I spotted a gap in the market for ego-driven career-related drivvle and thus I bring you...louisedrawscartoons <aka> "on the blog"

Last week I entered a competition to design a dragon, the prize is a small yet pleasing amount of not being the only object of my greedy desire there is also the small matter of the winning illustrations being published in a wonderful (if I win it is bound to be) children's book, in both the U.K. and Poland no less!  Upon admission I received a polite reply advising me the winner would be chosen within a week so if my drawings are placed expect jubillation, if not then I will publish my drawings on here and you can judge for yourself why I wasn't chosen.

Tonight I am spending my precious free-time attempting to figure out how the hell I compress a Quicktime movie in After Effects so that it isn't the size of a virtual house.  I am going for a dog kennel type size but my efforts are repeatedly thwarted and I am currently wrestling with an unwelcome Buckingham least I have the Moral Maze on R4 to keep me company.

Tomorrow I am off to Laaaaaandan (innit) to watch my brother show some art on Brick Lane. I am not going to look at the art, I will literally just be watching him as he shows his art, I will then announce at the end of the show that this behaviour of mine was in itself an art exhibit that only those approaching Emin-like genius are likely to have recognised and it is these lofty minds alone that will be accepted into my ever decreasing socially elite arty farty blarty clarty circle.  I shall keep thee posted - WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.

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